November 2020
November 8, 2020
Dear WC friends,
Sunday night greetings. I hope everyone had a nice day and found time to prayerfully pause in a spirit of trust and gratitude. Tonight, as we spiritually prepare for a new week, I wanted to share a devotional thought from Psalm 119:105,
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” I found the words to be meaningful and hope you do too.
When you need to make a decision, the first and ideal test is this: “Is my decision in harmony with God’s Word?”
You have to decide what’s going to be your ultimate authority in life. It really boils down to this choice: God’s Word or the world. Are you going to base your decisions on what God says or what other people say?
If you base your life on popular opinion, you’re always going to be out of date, because it changes every day. What was “in” yesterday will be “out” today, and what’s “in” today will be “out” tomorrow. If you base your life on popular culture or opinion polls, you will struggle because you’re building on a shifting foundation!
On the other hand, if you base your life on God’s Word, the truth never changes. Truth is always true. So if God says something was wrong 10,000 years ago, it was also wrong 500 years ago, it’s wrong today, and it will be wrong 1,000 years from today. I don’t care what the culture says or what is popular at the time. If God says it’s wrong, it’s wrong. It always has been, and it always will be. If God says it’s right, it will always be right. That is a solid foundation!
God has set up the universe with certain laws—physical, moral, and spiritual. God built the universe around these laws because they’re all for your benefit. When you cooperate with the principles in this universe, you succeed. If you reject, disobey, ignore, and rebel against God’s principles, you’re the one who gets hurt.
With all this in mind, you can be confident in your decision. If God says it’s okay, then you do it. If God says no, then you don’t do it.
With Every Blessing,
November 22, 2020
Dear WC Christian friends,
Sunday evening greetings. Happy Thanksgiving blessings from the Byram family to yours.
This year is certainly a different one. In consideration of our current situation, I’m reminded the Bible says, “Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
Is that possible? Notice, with me, the word “in” that follows the word “thanks.” I find that word “in” highly significant. God doesn’t expect us to be thankful “for” all our circumstances some of which bring great hurt and heartache. But we can give thanks “in” all circumstances (even COVID) as we discover the peace, healing, and power for living rooted and grounded in Christ, who never leaves us or forsakes us.
As we give thanks this year may a deep sense of praise, gratitude, and trust overwhelm our circumstances allowing others to see Christ in us. Make it a great week and I look forward to joining with you in worship next Sunday.
With Every Blessing,
P.S. (from a recent article)
Psychologists have discovered at least ten factors which are under our control that lead to authentic happiness. What I find especially compelling is that all ten of these happiness traits are taught in the Bible and are also confirmed by life experience. So what makes people content?
Contented people know that external circumstances don’t determine happiness.
Contented people use trials as growth opportunities.
Contented people cultivate optimism.
Contented people focus on the present.
Contented people practice forgiveness.
Contented people practice generosity.
Contented people nurture relationships.
Contented people express gratitude.
Contented people care for their bodies.
Contented people care for their souls.
In the end, science, scripture and experience all affirm that money, success, beauty and other external circumstances don’t make people happy and never will. Instead, happiness is an inside job (in Christ, that is).
November 25, 2020: Thanksgiving Message
Dear WC friends,
We might not be celebrating the way we usually do, but what we’re celebrating is the same - giving thanks. For me, I’m thankful for having the opportunity to be your pastor and to join with you in ministry, through the fellowship of our church.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones. May this time be full of many blessings.
Best wishes,
Whit Byram
P.S. (from a recent article)
What is the most important aspect of the Thanksgiving story that parents can teach their children?
The most important thing parents can teach their children about the Thanksgiving story is the most obvious: We call it Thanksgiving for a reason. Our Pilgrim forefathers, who are reflective of most of the founders of America, were firmly devoted to Almighty God and His Son Jesus Christ. In recognition of His gracious hand upon them, they set aside regular public days to give thanks and glorify Him.
This was not done merely once or twice but regularly throughout their entire lifetime. They set an example that was followed by those who came after them, even up until today. Throughout most of our history, Americans understood thanksgiving days were to thank God. The Pilgrims’ love and devotion to God, and their reliance upon Him in abundance and lack, are evidenced not only by their private lives but also by their public days of thanksgiving.
This Thanksgiving, May we keep the real Thanksgiving story alive in our children, our grandchildren, and our lives. I hope that you will join me and my family as we follow the example of our Pilgrim forefathers in making it a special day of praise to God.