News & Events

Check this page often for all the latest news, updates, and information regarding Weeks Chapel UMC!

disaffiliation meeting

Weeks Chapel UMC has decided to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church denomination. View our "Disaffiliation Notice" page for more information. A meeting with the District Superintendent to vote on this matter is scheduled for Thursday, July 28, 2022, at 6:00 pm in the Weeks Chapel Sanctuary. You are welcome to attend this meeting.

WCUMC Planning Meeting

All are invited to gather at Weeks Chapel UMC on August 11, 2021 at 6:00 pm for a time of food, fellowship, and planning for the upcoming months! A meal provided by the Weeks Chapel Ladies will be served in the social hall for all attendees. Board members are asked to attend a brief Weeks Chapel UMC Board meeting to discuss business matters. Hope to see you there!


Mark your calendars and join the fun on June 7, 8, and 9, 2021! Weeks Chapel UMC is joining with Cool Springs UMC to provide an amazing VBS experience for children in our community. During these three sessions, kids will learn that they are "Treasured" by God through games, crafts, music, lessons, and more!

Worship Time Update:

Beginning on Sunday, May 9, 2021 and continuing into the foreseeable future, our weekly morning services will start at 10:00 am. We can't wait to see you there!

Spring/Summer Planning Meeting

Join us at 10:15 am in the Weeks Chapel Sanctuary on Sunday, March 28, 2021 as we discuss our plans for spring and summer. Come prepared with any thoughts, questions, or ideas you have as we enter a new season and begin resuming more of our normal activities!

Big worship Schedule News!

We are excited to announce that Weeks Chapel UMC will now be holding Sunday morning services every week, starting March 7th, 2021 and continuing into the foreseeable future. Please continue to only come as you feel comfortable, but know that we can't wait to see you more often as we continue to worship together!

Ash Wednesday Service

Join us on Wednesday, February 17, 2021 in the Weeks Chapel sanctuary to move into the season of Lent and prepare for the resurrection hope of Easter! Our 15-30 minute service will include the imposition of ashes, prayer, and Scripture as we reflect upon this new season in the Christian year.

Updated Worship Schedule

Because the number of coronavirus cases has remained the same since our recent suspension of services, we are extending this in-person suspension throughout the rest of January to ensure everyone's safety! We plan to resume biweekly services beginning with the baptism of Jon Grady Harvin on February 14. Even though we aren't meeting inside the building, we are planning to gather in person another way on Sunday, January 31. We will gather in or near our vehicles at 11:00 am on that date to share in a worship experience together. More information is to come.

online worship now available

While we may not be gathered in the same worship space during these different and difficult times, we are held together in Christ. A new order of worship including hymns, prayers, Scripture, and a message will be provided for each of the three weeks we will not physically gather, per our new Worship Schedule Update below. Feel free to use the orders of worship provided here to conduct a worship experience in your own home, for our Lord promises that when two or three are gathered together in His name, He too is present. Follow the instructions on the graphic to the left or click the "View" button in the red bar at the top of the screen to access Online Orders of Worship!

important worship schedule update!

Due to increasing coronavirus cases, many churches in our surrounding area are cancelling all in-person worship services until some point in the New Year. After consultation with church leadership, Weeks Chapel is suspending in-person services for December 27, January 3, and January 10. We would hopefully resume services January 17, continuing with our every other Sunday schedule. To stay connected on these three Sundays where we will not be together, we will send out a worship service by text message and email for our joint participation.

Christmas Eve Celebration

Join us on Thursday, December 24, 2020 in the Weeks Chapel Sanctuary for a Christmas Eve service celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ! We will sing Christmas carols, participate in a candlelight moment, and receive Holy Communion as we reflect on this joyous occasion.

December worship schedule

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Join us this month as we journey through the Advent season and celebrate Christ's birth. Check out our new worship schedule for specific dates and times. Don't forget about our Christmas Eve service on December 24!

Pastoral E-Notes Available online

Every week that we don't meet for in-person worship due to COVID-19, our pastor Whit Byram sends the congregation an inspirational message through the form of an "E-Note." While these are usually sent by way of text messaging, all E-Notes are now available on our site as well! Click on the "Pastoral E-Notes" tab at the top of the page and navigate to the month of your choice. We can't wait to expand this ministry!

fall worship schedule

As we enter into a new season, we continue to be mindful of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic impacting all aspects of our lives. Because of this, we are continuing to hold services every other week to reduce contact and stay safe through the fall. Check out our worship schedule for October/November to stay informed!

children's moment

Weeks Chapel UMC is excited to announce our newest ministry for the youngest members of our congregation... though all are welcome to listen in! We now provide a Children's Message at every service, complete with a memory verse, coloring page, and, of course, crayons! Spread the word and be sure to bring all the kiddos you know!

New Email Address

In this time of social distancing, communication is more important than ever, and we want to make it easy to contact us! We are excited to share with you our new church email: Feel free to share your thoughts, questions, concerns, and prayers with us by sending us an email... we'd love to hear from you!

Summer worship schedule

Churches nationwide have adopted new worship schedules in response to the coronavirus pandemic, and ours is no exception. Until further notice, we will continue to gather every other Sunday morning at 11:00 am to fellowship together. Check out the Worship Schedule to the left for specific dates and more information. Don't forget your mask!

weeks chapel website

Welcome to our new website! Here you will find important information & updates pertaining to Weeks Chapel, as well as our church's history and even a prayer request page! Take some time to check out our site, and be sure to spread the word.